• Question: why is it important to you that you show young people what your work is?

    Asked by anon-236374 to Lucy, Greg on 12 Mar 2020.
    • Photo: Lucy Kelly

      Lucy Kelly answered on 12 Mar 2020:

      This is a great question! It’s really important to communicate our science for a few reasons. Knowing about science and especially the issues in science right now is really important. The more you know about science, the more involved you can be in making the best decisions for yourself as an adult. We all need a basic level of science knowledge to navigate the world we live in, so we hope that we can help you get this. We also want to inspire the next generation of scientists! If we can inspire you to question the world around you and investigate how things work, then you’re a scientist! Last but not least, it’s really fun for us to talk to you! Young people ask great questions that we don’t even think about, so it’s really helpful to get a young persons perspective on what we do – so thank you for taking part in this.

    • Photo: Greg Heikel

      Greg Heikel answered on 12 Mar 2020:

      For my work specifically, I think that healthcare science, and by extension healthcare scientists, isn’t something that a lot of people know very much about even though it plays a massive role in how we diagnose and treat diseases. When I was at school and thinking of possibilities for a future career, being a scientist in a hospital was something I didn’t find out about so if I can inspire a few people to consider it as a career option I’d be very happy!

      For science more generally, I think it’s important for people to understand how it works because it has such a massive impact on our lives. In addition to this, there is so much misinformation about science around at the moment that it would be very helpful if people knew how to spot it! We also always need more scientists in every field so inspiring the next generation to think about science is super important!
