• Question: What is the most interesting thing you've found from your research?

    Asked by anon-235745 to Lucy, David on 9 Mar 2020.
    • Photo: David Mark

      David Mark answered on 9 Mar 2020:

      I’ve found four strains of bacteria that are able to kill pathogenic bacteria (the kind that make you sick). At the moment I’m trying to purify the chemicals that might be doing the killing – so hopefully I’ve discovered a new antibiotic! What’s really cool is that three out of four of the bacteria look like new species!

    • Photo: Lucy Kelly

      Lucy Kelly answered on 10 Mar 2020:

      I’ve found that bacteriophage can kill a species of bacteria which are resistant to antibiotics and I’m really excited to keep researching this. Currently I’m trying to kill the bacteria with a combination of bacteriophage, called a cocktail! This is exciting as it could be used as a treatment for bacteria which can’t be killed by antibiotics.
