• Question: What are your thoughts on the spread of coronavirus?

    Asked by anon-235745 to Lucy, Greg, Emma, David, Anthony, Anna on 9 Mar 2020.
    • Photo: Emma Hayhurst

      Emma Hayhurst answered on 9 Mar 2020:

      I think it is something we need to take seriously, but not panic over. I think we just need to make sure we’re following advice and keeping on top of our hand hygiene, and keeping fit and healthy.

    • Photo: Lucy Kelly

      Lucy Kelly answered on 9 Mar 2020:

      It can be really scary seeing news headlines about a new virus spreading around the world, but as long as we listen to the experts and follow their advice not to panic and to make sure we wash our hands lots, we’re doing all we can do to keep safe!

    • Photo: Anthony De Souza

      Anthony De Souza answered on 10 Mar 2020:

      It is easier to plan and somewhat control the spread of the virus rather than ‘fake news’ about it.

      It’s important to be mindful on how you can keep yourself healthy which can help protect vulnerable people which you may be in contact with.

      Finally, when you read any information shared on social media or websites think about whether the information can be trusted.
