• Question: if you could change the world from how it is now ( pretty much have control over it ) what would you want it to be like? :)

    Asked by anon-236093 to Lucy, Greg, Emma, David, Anthony, Anna on 12 Mar 2020.
    • Photo: Lucy Kelly

      Lucy Kelly answered on 12 Mar 2020:

      I would reverse climate change and have people live in a much more sustainable way. Everyone would have access to plenty of food and water, healthcare would be free worldwide and everybody who can be would be vaccinated! I’d like the world to be a more open and accepting place.

    • Photo: Emma Hayhurst

      Emma Hayhurst answered on 12 Mar 2020:

      that’s a huge question! I would make the tough decisions that we need to make in order to reverse climate change. I would put in place really strict environmental protection laws and invest heavily in protecting wildlife, but also in education so that people learn to love wildlife. I would have no cities without green spaces. I would have free swimming lessons for all kids so that all adults know how to swim. I would ensure that our health and social care systems are so good that we can go confidently into getting old without fear of ill health or loneliness. I would ban nationalities – what gives any one group of people more right to a stable life than another, just because of the accident of birth? I would make a law that anyone who is super rich has to give away at least 50% of their incomes to charities. I would ensure that everyone worldwide has access to clean safe drinking water.


    • Photo: Greg Heikel

      Greg Heikel answered on 12 Mar 2020:

      I think that would be a massive responsibility and i don’t think I would have all the answers! I would start by making sure that everyone has free access to the essentials – food, clean water, shelter, education and healthcare – while also reversing climate change and making sure we’re set up to live in a sustainable way.
